Masters of Craft Discord Bot
Support Us

Though the Masters of Craft bot is free to use, if you want to support us, donations are appreciated.

Adding the Bot

To link to add the Masters of Craft bot to your discord server is

Support for the bot can be found on our discord server which you can join via the following link: There you can also test out most of the features the bot has to offer, expect admin only features which can only be used on your own discord server.

You can also contact us using the bot's /support command.

The bot needs the following discord channel permissions in the channels where you want it to be useable: Access to the channel, posting messages, including links, including files, adding reactions, using external emojis, managing messages and viewing message history.

Link Accounts
Some of the discord bot commands require that you have linked your mastersofcraft account and your discord account.
Login to see if your accounts are linked and if not you can start the linking process.
Create a roster for a trial to which others can signup with a role and class, including signup of reserve members.
Use the command
/roster help
to view all commands to create, edit and manipulate rosters. Signup by group members is simply done using the buttons in the roster. Use /roster usage for more details about those buttons.
Create a custom roster for a trial to which others can signup with a role and class, including signup of reserve members. These roster can be fully customized by giving each position in a roster a specific name. This is especially usefull for fully coordinated veteran trial groups. It is even possible to save a custom roster as a template so it can easily be re-used.
Use the command
/customroster help
to view all commands to create, edit and manipulate custom rosters. Signup by group members is simply done using the buttons in the roster. Use /customroster usage for more details about those buttons.
Create a roster with only a few position for a dungeon or arena run to which others can signup with a role and class, including signup of reserve members.
Use the command
/smallroster help
to view all commands to create, edit and manipulate small rosters. Signup by group members is simply done using the buttons in the roster. Use /smallroster usage for more details about those buttons.
Organize raffles in your guild and automate a large part of the process including automatically drawing winners.
Use the command
/raffle help
to view all commands to create, edit, publish, add prizes, add sold tickets, draw winners etc. for raffles.
Create giveaways for your guild, with one or more prizes to giveaway. Members can easily enter by clicking the signup button. And the winners are automatically drawn at the end of the giveaway duration.
Use the command
/giveaway help
to view all commands to create, edit, publish, add prizes etc. for giveaways.
Auction off items in your guild. You can set a minimum starting bid and up to 15 values to increase bids. Auction participants will receive messages when they have placed a bit or when someone outbids them. At the end of the auction, the highest bidder is automatically published. It is also possible to have the auction publish a list of all bids during the auction.
Use the command
/auction help
to view all commands to create, edit, publish, add bid values buttons etc. for auctions.
Signup sheets can be created for all kinds of events. You can decide if people are allowed to signup as "maybe participating" or only as participating. You can limited the maximum amount of participants. Any one else signing up will automatically go to the substitute list. The moment someone withdraws from the list, the first person on the substitute list will automatically be added to the participants list. This makes it first-come first-served based (people signing up as participant always go before people on the maybe list).
Use the command
/signupsheet help
to view all commands to create, edit, manually add/remove members, etc. for signup sheets.
Retrieve and display data about sets in ESO in discord. Also includes commands to see what sets and gear you are still need to collect if you keep track of that on the Masters of Craft website.
Use the command
/set help
to view all the commands for sets and how to use them.
Retrieve and display data about motifs in ESO in discord. Also includes commands to publish your stock (link) and see what motifs you are missing if you keep track of that on the Masters of Craft website.
Use the command
/motif help
to view all the commands regarding motifs and how to use them.
Retrieve and share the crafting requests you created on the Masters of Craft website on discord.
Use the command
/craftingrequest help
to view all the commands regarding crafting requests and how to use them.
Display the status of your ongoing trait research if you keep track of that on the Masters of Craft website.
Use the command
/traitresearch help
to view all the commands regarding trait research and how to use them.
Calculate how many items you have to craft if you want to craft for daily crafting writs in advance.
Use the command
/dailycalculator help
to view all the commands regarding the daily crafting calculator and how to use it.
When a new member signups to your discord server,
Use the command
/welcome help
to view all the commands regarding welcoming new members and how to use them.
With a combination of the welcome module and the approval module it is possible to have new members first appear in a specific channel with a specific 'newbie' role (see Welcome New Members) so that you can first confirm that the person signup up to your discord server is actually part of your guild.The approval module takes care of what to do when a new member is approved or rejected.
Use the command
/approval help
to view all the commands regarding approval and how to use them.
The verification module provides basically the same functionality as the approval module, but it can be used with a different set up. It can for example be used to give all current members a specific role, then check your list of members with that role against your guild list in-game to verify if they are still a members. If so, you verify them and give them a verified role, if not you can have them removed from your server.
Use the command
/verification help
to view all the commands regarding verification and how to use them.
Rolepickers allow guild members to pick one or more roles from a given set of roles. In Elder Scrolls Online two often used role pickers are one where members can set which combat roles they have characters for (tank, healer, dps) and other where guild members can set for which alliances they have PvP characters. When clicking on the button for a role in the role picker, that member is automatically given an associated discord role. They can already remove one or more of the roles they have chosen. The role pickers allows various options such as whether to display the amount of members per role (in various sorting orders) and set a limit of how many roles a guild member can pick. Each role picker supports up to 22 roles.
Use the command
/rolepicker help
to view all the commands regarding role pickers and how to use them.
You can set up contracts that your members can agree to, so you have an official confirmation that they agreed to the rules in the contract. They can also be send a copy of the contract as a reminder. This can for example be used if you set up specific rules how people should behave in-game, or to set up specific rules regarding the use of the guild bank. By having your guild members agree to the contract, they cannot say later on that they didn't know about the rules.
Use the command
/contract help
to view all the commands regarding contracts and how to use them.
This module contains a set of commands regarding role. Commands such as a way to replace one role with another role, or to add a role to all members, or to send a DM to all members with a specific role.
Use the command
/role help
to view all the commands regarding roles and how to use them.
Find a discord user's username when you only see a user id number displayed.
Use the command
/whois help
to view all the commands regarding whois and how to use them.
You can contact us using the bot's support commands to inform us about bugs, request new features and leave feedback.
Use the command
/support help
to view all the commands regarding support and how to use them.
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